What is sugaring?
Sugaring is an all-natural method of hair removal. It dates back to ancient Egypt, it's widely practiced in the Middle East and Asia. Our sugar paste is made of sugar, water and lemon. Yes, three simple ingredients. The paste is molded into the hair follicle and removed quickly in the direction of hair growth. This method is less painful, than waxing because sugaring paste only adheres to the hair & dead skin cells, unlike wax. This leaves the skin less irritated.
What's in the sugaring paste?
Sugar, water and lemon are the only ingredients. No, seriously that's it, simple and clean.
How should I prepare for my sugaring service?
To prepare for your sugaring appointment, make sure you have 2 or more weeks of growth if you've shaved; however, we suggest 3 or more weeks. If you're consistent with sugaring or has switched over to the sweet life from waxing, then you'll need four weeks of growth. Wear loose clothing. Exfoliate 48 hours before your appointment. We know you love or oils and body butters, but skip them before your appointment, as well as deodorant. Also, pass on any stimulants like alcohol, coffee and marijuana; they'll intensify the pain. Take a pain killer 30 minutes before your appointment to help reduce pain.
What should I do after my sugaring service?
Yay, so you made it through your sugaring session, and you want to keep your skin gorgeous. Exfoliate & moisturizing are essential to keeping your skin gorgeously bare. Make sure you begin to exfoliate 2 days after your appointment. You'll want to exfoliate 2-3 times a week. Moisturize daily.
For the first 24 hours:
Stay away from water with bacteria such pools, jacuzzies, ocean water, lake water, etc.
Don't do any activities that'll cause you to sweat such as, working out, getting in a sauna or having intercourse.
Stay away from suntanning beds and sun bathing.
How long should my hair be?
You should have 2 or more weeks of growth if you've shaved; however, we suggest 3 or more weeks. If you're consistent with sugaring or has switched over to the sweet life from waxing, then you'll need four weeks of growth.
What's the difference between waxing and sugaring?
Some of the differences between waxing and sugaring are:
Sugaring is all natural. Wax contains silicones and resin, which adheres to live and dead skin cells.
Sugaring pulls the hair out in the direction of growth prevent breakage. Waxing removes the hair in the opposite direction leads to breakage causing ingrown hair or quicker growth.
Sugaring is gentle on the skin compared to waxing.
Sugaring is always warm, so you'll never get burned compared to wax which is hot.
Can I get sugared, if I started my cycle?
Sure, you can get sugared on your cycle. Just be sure to wear a tampon or cup.
Does sugaring hurt?
Sugaring is a form of epilation, which pulls the hair from the root. So, you will still feel a little sting when the hair is removed from the follicle. Sugaring hurts less than hard waxing because there's no heat causing irritation, no resins sticking to live skin and you're removing the hair in the same direction it grows. Over time, the root of the hair becomes smaller, so the discomfort decreases.
How often should I come in to get sugared?
We recommend you come in every 3-4 weeks to get sugar. To take advantage of our brazilian maintenance rate, you must come back within 5 weeks.
Does Sugaring lead to permanency?
Yes, sugaring can lead to permanency.
How often do I need to exfoliate?
To ensure your skin stays gorgeous, you'll need to exfoliate your skin 2-3 times a week to help remove dead skin.
Why do I need to exfoliate?
Exfoliating ensures your skin stays free from dullness and ingrown hairs, especially if you've received a sugaring service. Exfoliate removes dead skin cells allowing your hair to move through the skin without being blocked by dry skin, preventing ingrown hairs.
How often do I need to moisturize?
Please make sure you moisturize your skin daily. We recommend our body oils which are non-comedogenic.
Can we book you for a party?
Absolutely, you can book us for events. We do require a six-person minimum. A $200 non-refundable deposit is also required.